“Without craftsmanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind.” – Johannes Brahms

What do we do at Stitch Masters Sewing School?
We teach all levels of sewing to teens and adults. Our classes cover basic sewing, intermediate skills, and advanced techniques like dressmaking. We offer content in pattern making and fitting, dyeing, fabric science, and more. Founded by a former university lecturer and longtime clothing designer, Stitch Masters Sewing School provides a scaffolded learning program to bring beginners to mastery.

We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit, with a mission to bring sewing skills to hobbyists and train future professionals. Our goals include developing technical, creative, and entrepreneurial skills, and cultivating arts-based STEM.
Comments from our students
As someone who has been taking classes from Colleen for the past few years, I highly recommend her!
Colleen is an inspiring teacher, giving both group and one-on-one attention to students, showing us what is possible in the world of sewing. She welcomes all questions without judgment and fosters an atmosphere of acceptance for students of all skill levels and learning styles.
I learned more tonight that I have in 15 hours of YouTube
I am definitely no longer terrified!
Colleen is the rare type of teacher that meets each student wherever they are skill wise and gently and gently guides them forward on their sewing journey. She welcomes all questions without judgement and fosters an atmosphere of acceptance.